Lineworks notification problem

SantosJan Albert

2019.07.03既読 2682

We are using lineworks as a mode of communication on our company.
Then suddenly one day there was a complain from one of the users.
The lineworks notification was not functioning on IOS mobiles.
I make a test for that problem.
1. I make call - But there was no notification that I was calling.
2. I message - But there was no notification that I make a message.
The only way that I can see is that when I open the conversation. Then it was just missed call.
I hope someone can help me on this matter.
Thank You!


  • 업데이트 된 답글입니다.


    Are other iPhone users receiving notifications normally? If so, it's a device setting problem for the user who complains.
    I think he/she is in a DO NOT DISTURB mode.


  • 업데이트 된 답글입니다.

    SantosJan Albert 投稿者

    Unfortunately they are not on a DO NOT DISTURB mode. Sone of the user, we tried to reinstall the application then it works. But some of the users even I reinstall, still same problem.


次の投稿Line Works外部ユーザーメールクライアント立ち上がらない

今すぐ実際に使用しているLINE WORKSユーザーに質問してみましょう。