URGENT!!!! Notification on Desktop App is not working


2023.05.03既読 1249


This is Urgent!!!

Because of the Error of your notification feature on Desktop App make our internal and external response rate lower!!!

1.Notification on Desktop App is not notified, only way we know real time notification now is because we have LINEWORK on Mobile  
2.When we are in message tab, we don't see the notification, only way we will get the message is we need to double click on the person then the message will loading which it makes our team missing information from client and internal
3.When we search people on Search Box it will takes around 30-40 seconds until the people show up which is too slow, I need to go to the group and find that person

This is urgent and I expect to have a solution and fast response from your team


Warm regards,

Vip Thanapinunchai (Vip)



今すぐ実際に使用しているLINE WORKSユーザーに質問してみましょう。